Wednesday, November 6, 2019

To live in fear

Written On: 01-01-2019
Titled: Fear of Mine

You bruised my skin
Tore into my flesh
Your teeth drew my blood
Gave me constant pain
Tortured my heart and mind
Your poison seeped into every inch of me
Your poison consumed me entirely
The point was your dark gift
Bruising and tearing my flesh
Watching the blood come out was a sign I was still alive
I wasn’t ready to die
Even if I was a shell
Draining me of my soul and spirit
The constant pain becomes like an addiction to me that kept you in your grasp
Blood and bruises were how you showed you cared in your twisted ways
Cutaway my soul
You broke me down, made me feel as if it was beyond repair
I was an empty shell so dependent on that beautiful and torturous pain that made me feel so alive
That pain is how I knew I was alive
You so selfishly decided to rip yourself away
As a final form of torture, you hung that noose.

We have to live with the choices that we made and will continue to make and acceptance of those choices and actions are what help define us as humans. 

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