Friday, July 17, 2020

Forgiveness and Acceptance

Feel as if everything was stripped away 
Ripped off bit by bit 

I crawl to pick up the scraps of myself that I left behind 
I'm facing the truth and the things I have tried to ignore  

The loss, time lost.
The pain, wasted love.

The failed attempts to help my self.
The lack of effort or maybe it was a lack of hope. 
I face each and every past mistake that I tried to ignore

Every old wound is reopened and feels as if it bleeds every day 

I can't stand the sight of my own reflection 

Then to be watched in failed attempts to protect me or more like protect yourselves 
The last chance you said 

I never felt so surrounded by strangers than now
Alone in my so-called home

The life and the person I was, will never be found.
 The old wounds and unresolved emotions have become resentment

Don't need your subtle and every watching eyes
I close my eyes and wish it all away 

But Karma wants me to know her name.

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