Saturday, November 14, 2020



Life is not over and has not been over; I need a new perspective on my life. I need to keep looking at the positive and stay focused on the little positive things, even if they are few. Those need to define my day, not the negative moments. There is more to me than what I see in myself, and the people whom I have around me need to bring the best out of me, and if they don’t, then I need to walk alone for a while. I accepted disrespect and fell into the cycle and was miserable for so long and called it living when it was dying and did not understand that and need to decide to change and not fall back to my past, to that old history that I struggled so much to leave behind. I need to believe and always remember that I am worth a lot more than what I feel at times. Nothing scares me anymore, and I have realized that scares most people, but I see it as an advantage.

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